HACH DR 900 & 890 Colourimeter

Hach 900 & 890 Portable Colourimeter
The DR 900 & 890 Colourimeter comes preprogrammed with a library of 90 parameter tests. These durable, hand-held, filter photometers are designed specifically for the rigors of on-site testing, with rugged components and waterproof, dustproof, chemical-resistant housings.
By using parameter specific reagent kits, water samples are prepared and directly measured by the colourimeter to provide instantaneous parameter concentrations.
Common parameter reagent kits:
- Free & Total Chlorine
- Ferrous and Total Iron
- Manganese
- Nitrate & Nitrite
- Total Nitrogen (TKN)
- Phosphorous
- Total Organic Carbon
- Dissolved Oxygen
** Please contact MAXIM to discuss what types of reagent kits you may require **
- Easy-to-use software, pre-programmed methods and prepared reagents
- Designed for use in the field
- Rugged construction
- Configured for immediate use
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