Solinst Sonic Water Level Meter

Solinst Model 101
The Solinst Sonic Water Level Meter transmits sound waves to accurately measure the depth to water in a well or a pipe.
It is a simple-to-use handheld unit consisting of a control unit with an LCD display, a connected probe, and supplied with a plastic cover for larger diameter wells.
The Sonic Water Level Meter allows the user to input parameters such as; well diameter, offsets, and temperature to refine the measurements.

- Measures down to 600 m (2000 ft).
- Ideal for potable water wells.
- Quick and easy water level measurements.
- No equipment is lowered into the well (no decontamination required).
- Ideal for narrow diameter and crooked wells, or wells with obstructions.
Heron Dipper-See Heron - Water Level Meters